Still valid if your married. Not for children.

The online Dating Persona Test will gauge your heart and brain and classify you into 1 of 32 dating types. Among other things, we'll be analyzing your sex drive, predictability, intelligence, love experience, and inherent goodness. We do a lot of math to calculate your results, and all you have to do is answer honestly.

<table cellpadding=5><tr><td> <table> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" height="600" valign="top" width="255"> <img border=1 src="" name="thebigpicture19"><br><br> <table class="small" bgshmolor="#cc9966" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="200"> <tbody><tr> <td bgshmolor="cornsilk"> <center><b>FACT:</b></center> You embody the German principle of <i>Konstantzusammenschaft</i>, which is best described in English <font shmolor="#999999">(without using the obscure English word "sammenschaft")</font> as "eternal togethermanship". </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td> </td> <td valign="top"> <center> <font size="5">The Loverboy</font><br> <font size="4"> <b>R</b>andom<font shmolor="white"> </font><b>G</b>entle<font shmolor="white"> </font><b>L</b>ove<font shmolor="white"> </font><b>M</b>aster (<font shmolor="red">RGLMm</font>)</font><br><br> </center> Well-liked. Well-established. You are <b>The Loverboy</b>. Loverboys thrive in committed, steady relationships--as opposed to, say, Playboys, who want sex without too much attachment. <br><br> You've had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You're a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too. <br><br> <!-- begin exact opposite table --> <center> <table align="right" bgshmolor="#bbbbbb" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"> <tbody><tr height="20"> <td align="center" bgshmolor="#eeeeee"> <span class="tiny"> Your exact opposite:<br> <b>The Billy Goat</b><br> <img border=1 src="" hspace="3" vspace="7"><br> Deliberate<font shmolor="white"> </font>Brutal<font shmolor="white"> </font>Sex<font shmolor="white"> </font>Dreamer<br> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </center> <!-- end exact opposite table --> You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers <b>nothing</b> in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you'll get bored. And then instead of surprising her with flowers or a practical joke, you'll surprise her by leaving.<br><img border=1 src=""> <br><br> <font shmolor="red">ALWAYS AVOID</font>: <b>The Nymph</b> <br><br><font shmolor="blue">CONSIDER</font>: <b>The Window Shopper</b>, <b>The Peach</b> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <br><br>Link: <a href=''><b>The 32-Type Dating Test</b></a> by <a href=''><b><b>OkCupid</b> - Free Online Dating</b></a>.</td></tr></table>