I guess the left beleives the masss are to stupid to undersatnd how great Obamacare is, so they have to put it in the form of a comic book

Will Pres Obama be the Super hero who comes to save America?

The MIT economist credited with crafting President Barack Obama’s national health care overhaul law has reportedly started work on his latest venture: a comic book that explains the law in the simplest of terms.

Jonathan Gruber, a health economist who devised Obamacare’s economic structure, says his children inspired him to use the comic format to explain the law to Americans in plain language. “I’m going to use the facts to tell the story,” Gruber, 45, said Monday. “I’m the narrator guiding the reader through the law. It’ll have lots of pictures and text.”

According to the Boston Herald, the publishing powerhouse Farrar, Straus and Giroux plans to release Gruber’s book — “Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It’s Necessary, How It Works” — in the fall.

In Gruber’s opinion, the majority of Americans do not like the law because they don’t understand it. “I just wasn’t sure if this would be useful enough,” Gruber said. “Then my wife and kids said, ‘You’re crazy. You’ve got to do this.’ So I decided to give it a shot.”
