Diversity on the other hand...

An article I strongly agree with:


March 05, 2011
A Requiem for Multiculturalism
By Noel S. Williams
Stop the presses! The British, French and German heads of state agree on something: Cameron, Sarkozy and Merkel have all recently declared multiculturalism a failure.

Like the related dogma of diversity, multiculturalism is so deeply embedded in the lexicon of liberalism that it has become axiomatic. Proponents hold it so dear that the faintest doubt poses an existential threat.

With the stakes so high, agnostics face sanctimonious wrath: if you don't believe in multiculturalism there is simply something wrong with you; maybe you're even nuts. While I have reservations I think I'm basically sane, and I sure as heck hope the aforementioned world leaders are operating with a full deck.

It's important to distinguish between diversity and multiculturalism, which are often lumped together in liberal orthodoxy. Diversity is inherently good; but multiculturalism too often leads to separation and resentment that foments extremism.

True diversity goes beyond quotas or controversial agenda-driven calls to promote this group or that. It's a sincere effort to incorporate diverse skills, to encourage various problem-solving methods and to harness disparate talents towards solving complex problems. This kind of diversity is indeed axiomatic in a democratic society, standing alongside such precious tenets as freedom of speech, the rule of law and equal rights...
Read the whole thing. Years ago some got into a lively discussion about Nationalism and why it leads to wars and other behaviors not good for living things.

Multi-culturalism is very much tied to Nationalism, but within a nation. Tribalism and feuds get carried on and retaliation is sought. Language and culture of the 'home country' are preferable to the group over assimilation.