Dennis Kucinich may give a whole new meaning to the term "Political Refugee"... or would have, if the Wisconsin and Indiana state Dem legislators hadn't done it first. (and Texas Democrats, years ago)

At least Kucinich will make it official.


from "Best of the Web"

by James Taranto
May 24, 2011

Political Refugee

Dennis Kucinich is "examining the idea of running for Congress here in Washington State next year," the New York Times reports. That's unusual because Kucinich is already in Congress, as a representative from Ohio:

Given Ohio's loss of two House seats, his district is likely to disappear when new map lines are drawn.

But Washington is gaining a seat, and Mr. Kucinich figures his aggressive brand of antiwar, pro-working class politics could sell well in a solidly blue state where he has ideological allies and was popular in his White House bids in 2004 and 2008. It is a somewhat novel idea that could be summed up as: Have seniority, will travel.
Imagine leaving a declining city to seek better opportunities in a growing one, only to have your congressman follow you.