I realize I will probably be in the minority on this one, but it still pisses me off. Tracy Morgan is a COMEDIAN. People like George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, John Valby, Lewis Black... These people have been doing comedy with nasty shit in it that will piss people off and offend people since they started. You pay for a ticket to go see a stand up comedian KNOWING he is offensive and KNOWING that he is a COMEDIAN. If you don't like that kind of humor, don't go. If you don't like it that evening, leave. If you really don't like it because of specific comments, make a complaint to the company who is producing the act and ask for a refund.

But force the man to apologize to gay people? To gay organizations? To anyone who was offended?

With that logic, ALL comedians should apologize after their shows as I'm confident there is SOMETHING in there that offends someone. But it's generally the gays that need an apology.

Now I know his words are VERY offensive, but I found them to be hilarious. I know how Tracy Morgan is, I know he means it in a funny way and I know he wouldn't actually do what he says. And don't give me this crap about how he might propel others to do it - as then almost every other major motion picture would be guilty of the same, and worse.

Whether offended or not, where does it stop? Where do we draw the lines with comedy and movies? People PAY for both. I'm tired of having these words policed - especially since 95% of the times it's only the gays who need an apology. Fwiw - how come the black people didn't demand an apology?

And before I forget, here is his quoted comment that was condemned throughout the nation:

When talking about the possibility of his son being gay -- Tracy said he "better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I'll pull out a knife and stab that little nigger to death."