How the hell are police supposed to do their jobs properly if they cannot even verify who the person is they are interviewing? Why can't a criminal then wear a veil and then hide behind it after committing a crime?

Muslims are complaining that it is a religious issue and that their privacy is being invaded. Boo Fucking Hoo. Police need to know what/who they are dealing with.

New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils

CANBERRA, Australia — Muslim women would have to remove veils and show their faces to police on request or risk a prison sentence under proposed new laws in Australia's most populous state that have drawn criticism as culturally insensitive.

A vigorous debate that the proposal has triggered reflects the cultural clashes being ignited by the growing influx of Muslim immigrants and the unease that visible symbols of Islam are causing in predominantly white Christian Australia since 1973 when the government relaxed its immigration policy.

Under the law proposed by the government of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, a woman who defies police by refusing to remove her face veil could be sentenced to a year in prison and fined 5,500 Australian dollars ($5,900).

The bill -- to be voted on by the state parliament in August -- has been condemned by civil libertarians and many Muslims as an overreaction to a traffic offense case involving a Muslim woman driver in a "niqab," or a veil that reveals only the eyes.

The government says the law would require motorists and criminal suspects to remove any head coverings so that police can identify them.