I caught a little of MSNBC today, and was astonished to hear commentator after commentator denouncing Eric Cantor for some behavior they never gave details of. But they kept saying he was somehow "Childish", a "beginner", and was contradicting John Boehner somehow (again, no details given).

Has anyone seen any actual evidence of this? All I've heard Cantor say, was pretty much a mirror image of what Boehner has been saying: No tax increases, period.

At one point, they put up a sound bite from Harry Reid, saying Cantor was doing bad things and shouldn't come to the meetings. But again, no details were given. This seems to be a growing pattern among the leftists.

Have the liberal fanatics decided to start fabricating lies about Eric Cantor as their principle mode of attack? In the absence of any substance or truth they can hang their hats on?

Do these people ever actually address the truth? on ANYTHING?