There are countless “issues” of a political nature which will immediately inflame the emotions of people: abortion; homosexual marriage; right to keep and bear arms; “social justice”, immigration, to name just a few. And these issues as argued by our “conservative” talk show hosts tend to confirm to their listening audiences they are truly “conservative”. But aside from the above mentioned “issues” there a two other subjects of enormous importance which our “conservative” talk show hosts avoid addressing as our founding fathers addressed them. The two issues are, an honest money system and an honest system of taxation.

Despotic governments have historically used a dishonest money system and/or dishonest taxation to cleverly rob what the people have produced. And today we are again faced with the same situation. We have a worthless script circulating as money, Federal Reserve Notes. which have been made by folks in government a “legal tender for all debts public and private” and thus forces businesses and labor to accept them in payment of debt. Those in charge of the worthless scrip, our Federal Reserve banking monopoly created by government, print massive amounts of script in order to “purchase” and consume what America’s businesses and labor have produced, which in turn creates an abundance of their worthless script in circulation, i.e., an “inflation” of the currency. And in order to remove the inflated currency from circulation and conceal the theft that is taking place with Federal Reserve Notes, the use of dishonest taxation comes into play and is applied by folks in government to withdraw the abundance of worthless script which our thieving Federal Reserve Banking cartel has used to rob what America’s businesses and labor have produced.

In fact we now have a gangster government working in concert with a thieving banking monopoly which is plundering what America’s businesses and labor have produced, and not one of our “conservative” talk show hosts will explain the fraud to their listening audience and how our founding fathers specifically addressed these two issues in our Constitution in a manner to prelude what is now taking place. But they do get their listening audience fired up over abortion, homosexual marriage, 1st and 2nd amendment rights, everything except how they are being robbed by a dishonest money system and dishonest taxation, which has virtually enslave the American People.

Bottom line is, I believe our “conservative” talk show hosts may be part of the problem and intentionally playing a scripted part to distract the people from our gangster government’s tools used to plunder America’s wealth.


History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.___ James Madison