Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
I disagree. Those that want to serve and not be defined by their behavior always have, and do serve.

Those are not the people making the noise who exactly DO wish to be identified by their behavior. They want to put in your face. If not, to what purpose more new exclusive legislation just for a behavior?
The ones forcing them to put GAY in front of Marine is those who want to keep/kick them out. Besides forcing them to keep secrets is like forcing them to lie. Personally I don't like the idea that only straights can fight for our country without holding something back.

Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
What's next? "I was discriminated against and didn't get promoted because I am gay". Don't say it won't happen. I watched it happen time and again with both women and blacks who were put over Marines more qualified than they were simply because they cried discrimination.

Then what? Separate berthing/quarters for gays and hetero's? Let's spend billions we don't have altering our living spaces solely to cater to the aberrant minority.

It's BS.
That first part sounds like a bureaucracy problem. The second sounds reactionary, do other countries have separate quarters?