Interesting article,thought finding out what others perspectives on these are would be too. Do you care if your spouse,GF/BF etc... participates in online flirting? Would you care if the het up with an Ex,or would their fantasizing about co workers or other friends bother you? Are these considered cheating in your opinion?

A few weeks ago, a friend told me that her married friend was seeing her ex-boyfriend, but there was "nothing physical about it". Considering her husband did not know she was seeing her ex-boyfriend, I still considered it shady. It got me wondering, outside of shacking up with someone else, what constitutes cheating? I always thought: anything you wouldn't want your significant other to catch you doing with someone else was cheating. But that's a little unforgiving. There are a lot of things that could be considered "cheating," but we may not agree on them all. What is your opinion on the following possibilities (detailed decriptions of a listed items at link):

An Online Companion
Seeing An Ex
A "Work Spouse"