Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
No sir, what I don't want is the government dictating social mores. Do you want to risk the day when enough queers gain power that they have the power to outlaw straight sex? I sure don't.

One of the first lessons I learned as an Army officer was that we were there to defend EVERYONE , especially those with whom you most vehemently disagree. I disagree with homos, BUT I absolutely don't want the government telling them what they can and can't do.

What kind of big government liberaloid are you?
Government has few responsibilities, one of them is to set limits and parameters on what is deemed useful or useless to a well functioning society, it has the right and the absolute responsibility to see that things that THE PEOPLE(they've spoken out 29 times as of today) deem as useless and damaging are limited or outright banned.

You will find that i'm a reformed Republican, IOW an independent who realizes that free market capitalism has failed along as well full bore regulation, I realize that conservatives, true conservatives in the strain of Goldwater no longer exist, I also realize that, and i've stated this yesterday, that there will be no change for the positive as long as Repubs and Demos stay in power, I realize that as far as democracies go in the course of history Amerika is more than likely in its last days and i'm going to live for me and loved ones only, everyone else be damned.