Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
There is only paper thin democracy in Iraq as long as American troops remain..............as soon as we leave................shithole................again .

Do you want us to remain forever?

We had no reason being there in the first place, Bush lied........innocent soldiers died.
First of all it has been our nation's stated intention to fight for democracy around the world since the Monroe Doctrine. It isn't as if Bush just woke up one morning and wrote new policy in that area.

Second of all, Bush didn't lie. unless you are foolish enough to believe that the CIA came to him and said "nope even though Saadam just 10 years ago killed over one hundred thousand of his own people with WMD he doesn't have any now" and Bush said "Well, fuck it, I'm going to lie to the USA about why I'm invading Iraq, even though I don't even have to have a reason because I am the President and by virtue of the War Powers Act I can unilaterally invade for any or NO reason at all, yeah that sounds good shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone"

Thirdly, blah blah blah about your innocent soldiers died comment. Sad as it is that some of MY brothers and sisters have died in Iraq and the Stan, none died who didn't know it was a possibility when they joined the military. So while I grieve for them, I don't feel sorry for them. It is a job that they were well aware of the dangers of when they joined.

Do I want us to remain there forever? Sure , if it's at a profit to the US. I say bring home ALL US soldiers abroad unless the host company wants to hire them soldier of fortune style.

By the by , how do you feel about our recent action in Libya?