Sunday afternoon and I'm watching a movie I may have seen a looooooonnnnnng time ago. It's called Dive Bomber, made in 1941 starring Errol Flynn and Fred Macmurray. It's all about solving negative-G blackout in divebombers and high altitude blackouts. Beautiful old planes, too. PeaShooters, Grumman Biplanes, Hudson, pre-Dauntless divebombers I don't recognize, and other old planes I don't recognize.

I grew up at airports. My dad was a pilot. Flew commercial DC-3s in the late 50s/60s. Learned aerobatics in a Stearman biplane. The airport (Danbury, CT) had resident a PBY Catalina seaplane and an F4U Corsair that I lusted over. So I love planes and old WW2 and prewar planes.

What military movies do you guys like?