I thought that, since we're swapping recipes, perhaps it would be nice to swap cocktails recipes too...

I'll start.. my favorite cocktail is a Martini made with Gin, not Vodka

1. Place ice cubes in your cocktail shaker

2. Place some extra dry vermouth in the shaker, just enough to coat the ice cubes, shake, then pour out the excess (some people, like Winston Churchill, skipped the vermouth part altogether)

3. Add about 3 oz of gin. The better the quality of gin, the better the martini (Tanguery for instance... Winston Churchill preferred Boodles Gin)

4. Shake the contents and strain out the ice cubes into a martini glass

5. Add a few green olives on a toothpick for a flourish.

P.S. James Bond's martini does not contain vermouth, here's the recipe (from Casino Royale)

3 oz gin
1 oz vodka
1/2 oz Lillet® Blanc wine

Pour the gin, vodka and Lillet blanc into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.