Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
See, here you are again "define unconditionally" , that's some bullshit mealy mouthed Muslim word play. You damn well known what unconditionally means. But you guys try to pretend you condemn terrorism all the while saying things like "well , 9/11 was bad, but.............."

The fact that you can't post videos of even one hundred out of 1.5 billion Muslims condemning 9/11 tells me that there is a very VERY damn low percentage of Muslims who condemn 9/11.

My judgement is that you and your cult are all a bunch of cowardly camel rapists. No matter how much you pretend otherwise.
about camel, i never even rode one btw

about that " but......", if that what you mean then no, i dont have a but in my condemnation, i condemn 9/11 as much as i condemn any other violence against anyone, there is no but when you condemn violence, killing 3000 innocents can not be justified no matter what the reasons are.

but what does justified mean ???, do you actually understand that word ???

it just means that the motives doesn't make the action right or acceptable, but to neglect the motive of anything, that is just very stupid, you must admit that everything have a reason, and you must seek the answer, but seeking answers or reasons doesn't mean that you agree with what happened, the reasons and motives behind 9/11 is the most important thing that we should seek, but again its not to justify it, its just to understand it.

when you have a death crime to solve, the first thing you search for is motive, why ??, why did this person die and who killed him and what would he gain by killing him, so if you want to cry over 9/11, i am sure that alot will shed tears with you, but when you get over yourself and start thinking straight, you should start asking yourself how can 19 persons just go to their death like that, and if you can't reach an answer then you should just shut up and never talk about that subject again, because if you can't understand something then you should stay away from it so that you don't look stupid, which is my opinion about you right now, to say that those people did that just because they are crazy and stupid, thats the stupidity itself, a person don't just plan plane hijacking because he is stupid and crazy, and a perosn doesn't give up his life easily.

seeking answers and reasons doesn't mean that i don't condemn 9/11 unconditionally, i am not justifying the crime, i am just trying to solve it, and solving the crime is not by finding the killer only, its also about finding about why did he kill, and with your level of understanding of other cultures and other people, you will never be able to understand anything about 9/11 or about terrorists, and if you can't understand them or what they do, then just shut up please.

just go and say the same as Gafer, just say that they hate your fantastic freedom, live in your bubble, and live your own happily ever after, and shut up please, if you want to talk, then stop your attitude and accept what others tells you, dont just dismiss everything, you are not always right, neither am I.

I DO Condemn 9/11, More Than You Can Ever Imagine, I Condemn Death of Any Human Soul On Earth, And There Is No Justification At All For Killing Innocents.

PS to Gaffer: yeah, someone would actually crash a plane into a tower and kill himself because he hate your freedom, GOOD Answer, Very brilliant indeed.