Disregard my previous post about my becoming a commie and all that stuff about people here being evil cappy pigs exploiting the proletariat. I tried being a pinko comm, but their clothes are these boring green or brown uniforms. They have no sense of style. I know being a political extremist is in, but the commies aren't for me. Maybe I should become a Nazi. They have flashy looking uniforms. I also hear that Nazis hate juice. My mom made me drink that every morning and I always hated it. I want to be cool and not a boring Democrat or Republican, so I've got to think of something. Maybe an annihilationist. Is it in to be in favor of blowing up the whole world with nuclear weapons? Of course, if they did that, totally gross shit would happen like your skin melting off your bones and your hair falling out, so I don't see how that could be cool. Which political extremist group has the best social standing?