Thank you Obamacare!!! I wonder how many of those Wal Mart workers who voted for Obama in 2008 will blame Obama or the "greedy" corporation for this?

More hope and change hitting the working folks courtesy of the Hope and Change President

Claiming that it's too expensive, Wal-Mart has announced it is rescinding health coverage for part-time workers and drastically raising premiums for much of its full time staff.

According to The New York Times, the country's largest private employer told all of its employees working less that 24 hours a week that they will no longer qualify for insurance and anyone working up to 33 hours a week may no longer include a spouse on their plan.

Rates are expected to climb by more than 40 percent for some employees. Combined with high deductibles, employees are complaining that their health care will now eat up to 20 percent of their annual pay.

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