Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Indeed. I was lucky in that their father really cared that people thought him a 'good father' which is why he always paid. That he caused other types of serious harm is why joint custody was taken off the table, by the judge. Now there are women that also act in such manner, they don't seem to be in as great of number. Probably because the fathers are 'working' and the kids are at home. It takes a certain type of female bonehead to walk away from her kids.

True story. When my son was 2 years old. I walked in on his mom and another man. He ran ( I don't know , just because a 6'1" 190 lb man in camo wearing a pistol on his hip walked in on you porking his wife LOL) anyway I grabbed her by hair and heel and through her into the street. No clothes, no nothing. Fuck her. She never even came to divorce court. My kid is 19 now and has no recollection of his mom, he's never talked to her, he's never seen her, he's never received a dime from her. She's moved away now but for years she lived within an hour of us, and didn't make a single effort to be a part of her kid's life.

Here's another one. My sons' best friend is the same age as he is. When they were 15 the dad got locked up for drugs , within 2 weeks the mom had moved in with a boyfriend and told my kid's friend that he had to find another place to live because her boyfriend didn't like him.

yeah being a shit head parent has NOTHING to do with sex

Now on the plus side. My current wife is mom to my son, she didn't ask him to call her mom, he did on his own and she loves it, and when we found out that my kid's friend was living in the community center it was she who went and got him and brought him home. Proving their is more to being a parent than DNA.