This started quite a few years back, in the beginning of GWB's first term, but skyrocketed once Obama was in office. He has lead the charge into "apologizing" to anyone and everyone.

You have bill problems? I'm sorry. You don't agree with the war? I'm sorry. Your relatives from a kabillion years ago were slaves? I'm sorry. Same for the Indians. Apologize daily to Muslims, most of the time for no apparent reason other than to get brownie points for doing so. Kill a terrorist and apologize to his/her families.

I'm tired of the apologists and the apologies. They don't speak for me, and that includes our current president. Bow to this one, bow to that one, apologize to everyone.

From my point of view, there should be a lot of countries THANKING us for once again taking the lead, the heat and all the pressure from around the world. We are eliminating terrorism one terrorist at a time, but must bow and apologize to the world for doing so? Fuck that.

These countries barely can get an acknowledgement out when a catastrophe or natural disaster hits another country. Before the dust settles, the USA will have an aircraft carrier on its way and millions of dollars transferred to the country in need. People around the world seem to think this is an obligation of ours. We are the most giving nation on the planet, but it mostly goes unnoticed.

How many nations "apologize" to us or others when they do very little to support other countries? What about an apology or thank you when we help stop a terror attack in another country? Hell no, then we need to apologize for "helping" across borders.

What happened to the swagger that the US used to have? What used to be recognized as strength and swagger in the past is being apoogized for these days, in my opinion anyway. I'll speak for myself, again, when I say I ain't apologizing for jack shit.