This could be a factor as to why the liebral media is obsessed with the accusers of Cain, the bad memory of Perry, and the general distain of anyone speaking out against Obama's policies

Seems the public is no longer buying the "Blame Bush" excuse the Dems were offering up for the last 3 years

and these terrible numbers was with a huge oversample of I's and D's to try and get the results CBA wanted

32% Dems

42% Independents

26 Republicans

President Obama's ratings on the the most important issue for his re-election -- the economy -- have posted the weakest showing of his presidency, according to a poll released Friday by CBS News.

About 60 percent of voters said they disapprove of Mr. Obama's handling of the economy, the highest on record. Just 34 percent approve of the job he is doing on the matter.
His overall approval ratings are just 43 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president.

Among independents, just 39 percent are satisfied with his performance, while 76 percent of Democrats and 12 percent of Republicans approve of his job performance.