I use my cell as my alarm clock. So I generally charge it at night and then bring it to bed with me. Night before last, while walking in the dark to my bed, I dropped the phone. What's that *kerplunk* noise you hear when something falls in the water?

Well, I keep a small bowl of water in my room at all times for my dogs. What are the odds? Yep, dead center. Yanked it out and immediately pulled the battery, put in front of a heater, and then let it sit in a bowl of rice all night after that. Of course none of those home remedy shit ideas work, and my phone has been sent to "Cell Cemetery".

AT&T insurance was cool, as it covers liquid damage, and they sent me a new phone that I received late this afternoon already. Since my phone is a "dumb phone" (Samsung Propel A767), they don't make it anymore, so they sent me a Samsung Evergreen A667. They both suck. But at least it makes calls and I can text, all I wanted.

But I "want" a smart phone, to help make me smarter - but I don't need or want a fucking data plan!! No $20 data plan and up then you can't get a smart phone. Each phone REQUIRES a data plan.

AT&T and "Smart Phones" and data plans!