Jan. 24, 2007 at 9:17AM
Nearly three-quarters of U.S. residents told a UPI-Zogby International poll oil companies make too much profit.
The issue of oil company revenues grabbed attention when gas prices in the United States recently soared to the $3 a gallon range and oil companies soon reported record profits.
While some said the consumer price rise was linked to speculation on the international oil market and tighter supply, others saw oil companies taking advantage of U.S. drivers.
Some 70.8 percent of those respondents said the companies "make too much profit," 21.3 percent said they "make the right amount of profit" and 2.2 percent said the companies "make too little profit."
Even the so-called investor class sees things too good for the oil companies: 57.2 percent of those participants said the companies make too much profit and 35.2 percent said it's about the right amount.
As to whether profits beyond "normal" should be taxed, 64.3 percent of those asked said it should be and 28.7 percent said it shouldn't.
The interactive poll of 6,882 people in the United States was carried out Jan. 16-18 and has a margin of error of 1.2 percentage points.

Any other industries too profitable?