I have found this to be a great way to loose weight. I found a website that said most women will loose weight eating 1500 calories or less a day. Minimum of 1200. When I started I was only eating 1200 or less which was fine in the beginning,but after a while wasn't enough because of the physical job I have and the amount of excercise I do everyday.

You don't have to deprive yourself on anything,BUT you have to moderate those goodies if you want to eat the rest of the day. I have dropped a lot of weight,but I am in a plateau right now and I'm pulling my hair out!! I only have 20 more pounds to go,but it is dripping off and I'm hungry all the time. From what I have read,this is a plateau. Your body starts making you hungry non stop because it feels its being starved. I'm supposed to up my cals slightly and up my workouts.

Might be a good idea for anyone struggling that doesn't want to give up fattening food completely. Eat as healthy as possible so you can have more,but slip in some good stuff too.