Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Prove it wrong is the standard? er hmm Ok.

6 days, prove me wrong.


You know what i've always found intriguing is that the female human's menstrual cycle is 28 days, very similar to the moon, which is currently 29.XX days. Most scientists say its just coincidence; research has been done and something 40% of of those tested showed some response to lunar cycle, so that's 60% who didn't; hardly conclusive. However it has been shown the moon's orbit is slipping away from Earth at 4cm per year, which I believe would cause its period of revolution to increase. So my question is, when was the moon's cycle 28 days and could this be the time when modern humans developed? I've been studying the peopling of the New World, and much debate surrounds why the megafauna (rhino-like creature and mammoths etc) went extinct here. Humans were thought to be culprits, we just killed them wholesale-- big dumb animals didn't know we were a threat; while others say it was the Pleistocene glaciation and resultant shorter period in which to harden young, which was an aggravated stress on those larger animals with longer gestational times. Odds are its both, but it makes me wonder if humans too experience such stressors, and if the inability of humans to change/evolve our reproductive cycles will bring about our demise? Doesn't keep me up at night or anything, just food for thought?