After the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech, and the Columbine massacre.....after many, many online conversations with people on both sides of the issue, I've finally crystallized my own position on the gun control issue. It is as follows....

1. Ban all handguns in the United States. There is no reason for anyone to own a handgun, except to kill other people. Give gun owners a 5-year window to turn in their handguns to the police. In exchange, they can either get a tax break of $1,000 or a check from the government for the value of the gun. It will cost the federal government $millions to compensate gun owners, but it's money well spent. (We piss away federal money on many, many less worthwhile programs.) As for the handgun manufacturers, they've gotten rich for years and years selling their weapons. It's time for them to find another line of work or retire. The NRA and the gun lobby? Two words: Tough shit. Go suck an egg.

2. I don't propose repealing the 2nd Amendment. Rifles and shotguns that are used for hunting and home defense are permitted and always will be. But no assault weapons or automatic or semi-automatic weapons are permitted. These have no purpose except to kill other people.

3. If you're caught with a handgun in your possession after the 5-year grace period, the gun is confiscated and you are assessed a $1,000 fine. If you're caught with a handgun a second time, you go to prison. If you're caught with an assault rifle or an automatic or semi-automatic weapon, you go to prison the very first time you're caught. No exceptions.

That's my stand on the issue; that's what I want to see the next president and the next Congress do. I will write my current representatives and the candidates in the coming elections and tell them that's what I want them to do.
