3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda

Shocking Soda Fact #1: Soda fattens up your organs

Shocking Soda Fact #2: Soda contains flame retardants

Shocking Soda Fact #3: Drinking soda makes you a lab rat
I stopped buying soda awhile back to avoid spending the money but apparently it had other benefits. I'll drink it when out or if we have people over but just having water is so much better for you. Not having it in the house also keeps it away from the kids.

I did like the part about cutting out sugar in soda frees up room to have sugar somewhere else.
FIX IT WITH FOOD: The average American
450 calories a day. By switching to water as your go-to beverage, you'll make room in your diet for these
40 Foods with Superpowers
—foods that, even in moderation, can strengthen your heart, fortify your bones, and boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more quickly.
I might have read a bit to much into that statement though.