Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
He has a theory. Its not proved in anyway. When he has real scientist that are not fundimentally motivated support his theory then he will have some credibility. And I say he has a unproven theory because its fundimentally based, not scientically based, and is not even a true scientific theory.

I find these guys to be offensive. They attempt to spin science to achieve their particular agenda of making the bible appear literally true when it is not. It's simply a blueprint for civilization.

This guy has as much credibility as al gore.

Dude - EVERY scientist goes about proving a hypothesis the same way - they presume. They start with a particular point of view, and seek to prove it. Macro-evolution violates a HUGE portion of the scientific method, yet it's somehow MORE plausible than what the guy in quesiton suggest? You're likely well-versed in science; So were popular scientists who shouted from the rooftops 'the world is FLAT!'. It took a man of FAITH to show it was, indeed, NOT-flat, right?

Open your mind and read the guy's claims...chew on 'em...study and see if he's right. IF he's right...it certainly changes things, right?