First off, I think Chris Hanson is one of the smarmiest, self-sanctimonious asshats I've ever seen. Second, apparently, because I offended one certain chump who participates in the entrapment activities that he chose to destroy a message board in his unbridled hatred of my opposition. How's THAT for having power over someone?

For those not in the know, the premise of the show is that an internet group pretends to be 13-15 years olds and lures grown men to a specific address where they are exposed on camera (for later use by MSNBC), then hammered by cops once they try to leave.

Let's see if we can differentiate between Gunny's opinion here:

1. I'd as soon shoot a child molester as look at one. Matter of fact, I'd rather kick their asses ... more painful than a shooting.

2. However, I believe going onto the internet and posing as an under-age person and luring someone into a trap where they are arrested is entrapment. Originally, the police were not involved and the person(s) were just exposed. No problem.

However, I believe once you involve law enforcement, you cross the legal (not moral) line.

Tell me where I'm wrong (and not YOU ConHog -- you don't know shit).