Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
I'm thinking you jarheads saw different parts of the world than us Army guys did or at least a different view from your balcony. However, I have slept in a quonset hut (slightly bigger than you describe), driven a jeep (what a piece of crap but fun nevertheless) into some very strange places and drove by Twentynine Palms once!
The whole point to "the joke's on them" is I was informed ever so solemnly that I was screwed and was going to have to drive a 4-wheel drive jeep and/or truck in the Delta and Bravo corridor at 29 Palms. The ligthbulb over Gunny's (then Corporal) head said .... "Wait ... you mean I get to drive a 4-wheeler in the desert on the Government's dime?"

Needless to say I was crushed.

I can STILL see the look on MGySgt Baldwin's face when they got their first shipment of 4x4 S-10's and I dared look at them. He came running at full speed across the lot. "Don't even LOOK at them, Cpl ..., it'll be a cold day in Hell before you get one of my new vehicles."

You'd have thought I wrecked a few of his trucks or something.