Quote Originally Posted by shattered View Post
Shit like this is why this board now sucks so bad.

This shit's allowed to stay here, yet you have conservatives bitching about disruptive and rude members members from the libs side..

BOTH sides of the debate issue have become very ugly, very pathetic, and very predictable now.

Conservatives run from forum to forum posting slamming libs at every turn, and yelling foul because they think there's too many of them.

Liberals run from thread to thread spouting unfairness in the way people are treated and the way things are handled..

Sad thing is, both sides are right. The fact that OCA's thread was allowed to remain in Religion/Ethics speaks loudly of the bias from the right that supposedly doesn't exist. And don't say nobody saw it, because it's been reported, and no less than one mod, and three admin have been on since then.

3-4 years ago, this board used to be a lot of fun. Now it just fucking sucks.