Back from Jersey! The only eventful thing to report is my sisters wacky little cat. She can't weigh more than 2lbs and is a runt, tiny as hell. Anyway, I'm sitting in their living room when I see something out of the corner of my eye. The little bitch jumped into their lizard cage! They have 2 Bearded Dragon lizards and she decided she would pay a visit and play with them! She basically stared at them, then slapped them a few times, and then picked one up and carried him to the other side of the cage! I told my sister that she better get a much better top for this cage or they will be dead before long! I think she's just toying with them, doesn't want to eat them, but a cat is a hunter and eventually will kill them. Anyway, this is the best picture as shooting at a fish tank had a lot of glare. Here she is just staring at them before charging...