Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
Yup. And I tried twice to show the slippery slope from lunch to the other craziness. The total lack of personal responsibility engendered, and required siphoning off the taxpayers to do so.
But apparently some can't or won't see it.

Next on the agenda is probably free student dinners, or at least a free take-home snack. After all, who can do imagined homework on an empty stomach, and those poor stressed parents can't make dinner either. Right?
They already have a program in place via the United Way which partners with several schools (including some in NM) to funds take home food for kids. In order to participate your family has to qualify for free or reduced lunches. To me it's already only a matter of time before this program is government funded.

I will also add that a lot of children who qualify for "reduced lunches" are not starving on the weekends. Heck...my kids can qualify for reduced lunches if I really wanted to milk the system for freebies.
