Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Hm, I'm not strictly against, as really, a person wanting to kill hundreds of people is a person wanting to kill hundreds of people, and as our swears, we hold against all threats both foreign and domestic. However, it does need an appropriate degree of oversight on this. They need to have reasonable cause to believe he's getting ready to take lives, just like our SWAT snipers require before they take their shots.

And Jim, it's not as easy to take a life as you think. It's isn't like a video game, because if you shoot the wrong person in MW3, you just load the last checkpoint and get another shot.
I didn't mean to imply that it's easy. But if it's a terrorist on the other end, American or not, I wouldn't mind trying. Boldy put, put him in front of me and give me a high caliber weapon - I'll make sure I don't miss.

And I don't mind what your first paragraph addresses. They had years of intel on the guy. They should be addressing this with the national security committees. And maybe in cases like this they should be convening special committes and going before judges for determinations. I don't know. Hell, like FJ stated, I'm not against bringing it through congress and getting various laws passed to address these things. BUT...

Suppose laws are passed that make it acceptable to kill American citizens abroad, that are known terrorists, with irrefutable proof, and we know an attack is imminent. Even with all that said, people like Rev would whine because they STILL didn't get the same due process as others.