After making a point of standing up for
women during the Rush
controversy, President Obama is taking flak from one
corner for not speaking out against "vile misogynist" and liberal Obama
supporter Bill

Maher, a comedian who specializes in
politics, is also a $1
million contributor to Priorities USA Action
, a super PAC that supports
Obama's reelection.

Penny Nance, president of the conservative
group Concerned Women for
America, said in a letter to White House chief of staff Jack Lew that
Obama "needs to publicly disassociate himself from Priorities USA" until it returns Maher's

"President Obama cannot put forth the
eloquent position he announced on Tuesday, while sending administration
officials out to raise money for an organization that not only counts a vile
misogynist as its largest single donor, but whose executives actively boast
about that vile misogynist's support," Nance wrote in her letter to Lew.