On Wednesday, March 7, 2012, American Atheists erected a billboard on
the corner of 33rd Street and Broadway, the heart of a Muslim community in
Paterson, New Jersey, with the wording: "You know it's a myth, and you have a
choice" in both Arabic and English, with the word "Allah" on the left

According to the American Atheists website at www.atheists.org, the
purpose of this billboard is to advertise the Reason Rally in Washington D.C. on
March 24 (www.ReasonRally.com) and the American Atheists National Convention, to
the atheists in the Muslim communities. "Insular communities like these are
designed to squelch individualism and religious criticism, making the atheists
in these communities feel particularly alone -- they are not."

Apparently, atheists within the Muslim communities are quite plentiful,
as evidenced by the emails they receive and the number of former Muslims now in
the American Atheists' ranks. The new billboard acknowledges the closeted
atheists in the community and invites them to the Reason Rally and convention,
where they will meet others like themselves, share stories, have fun, and return
with enough knowledge and support to allow them to make their own decisions in
their lives. They do have choices.

American Atheists claim this billboard is not meant to inflame or
enrage, and while the reaction of the Muslim community will be interesting, they
do not expect any violence nor vandalism.
