Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Right, or "stress positions", which is torture, possibly more mild torture, but it's fucking torture. I generally follow a simple guideline: If I am having to search for a more friendly term for what I'm doing, I probably shouldn't be doing it.

Now, the Domestic AQ leaders clearly fall within Treason during a time of war, so they've got an automatic death penalty hanging even if we took them alive, so this is more about making certain that we're doing due diligence here.
Damn you and your internal quote response.

Internal affairs is outside of the police force? That'd be like saying the Justice Dept, led by Eric Holder, is outside the executive branch.
To address the Judicial role, specifically as I see it being involved in this case-- I would say if the law enacted by Congress, ( the kill terrorist law, whatever) granted some unfettered power to the CIC,-- then the law is absolutely reviewable for being unconstitutionally vague; that's the tort, that the law failed, not how the executive branch failed to consult the Judicial Branch.
The idea that the Judicial branch should assist in, or dictate how a law is carried into execution is blatantly in violation of the separation of powers.