Harvard recently had a lecture on 9/11 research and government manipulations: March 2012

Some of the topics touched:

*Anthrax attack during 9/11 time frame

*Anthrax targeting U.S. Senate and Media

*The Governments story for 9/11 spoonfed to the American citizens is contradicted by much evidence

*9/11 was a multi-disciplinary effort to instill fear in Senate, Media, and American Citizens by a large group holding power in the Executive branch of Government, Military, Intelligence (CIA)

*Investigative Journalism does not exist and it is a taboo subject for investigative media to question anything sourounding the orchestrated event of 9/11

*9/11 was carried out from the Heart of the U.S.A. Military and Intelligence (CIA), to inflict a wound to the American people to
-Work the domestic population into a state of fear
-Strengthen Executive, Military, Intelligence Community
-Alow the occupation of strategic Muslim lands


So basically 9/11 was simply the sacrificing of a pawn to gain a strategic square on the world's chessboard

Now let the O.J. Simpson defense attorneys begin their attacks...LOL