My wife bought herself a new Ipad 3 and saw my sad face when I explained how badly I wanted one. She wouldn't spring for the Apple, so I got this which was much cheaper:

Certainly not as good as the Ipad, but more than good enough for what I want. It's VERY fast surfing the 'net and the 10.1" screen plays movies at 1280 and looks awesome. This one has a USB port which the Ipad does not. This way I can copy movies and such to a stick, and watch them on the fly. It's only Wi-Fi and no 4g or any of that crap, but I wouldn't use it with a data plan anyway. It also runs the Android OS and I need to use that marketplace instead of Itunes. Overall it's a good deal for $299, while my wife is getting the Wi-Fi only Ipad 3 for $599.