I've got no article to post here but this thing seems like another divide and conquer moment for the folks that have their hands on the levels of power.

it seems most of the people who are upset the most on both sides seem to be the poor and middle class of all races who happen to be the ones who are ALL losing JOBS, RIGHTS, HOMES, FREEDOMS, PRIVACY, KIDS in War and whos gas prices are rising, whos food and water is poisoned and/or modified to mystery meat/vegi/fruit, whos gov't is being handed over to the UN etc... etc... etc....

And as sad a story the TM case is does it REALLY deserve the amount of energy it's gotten nationwide. The man is on trail now, that's really all most reasonable folks wanted. As far as FL cases go the FL CPS losing a load of Children to possible child sex rings didn't bring this kind of attention. and FL CPS is still Notorious. But neary a peep out of the media on those children disappeared or abused.

But DAILY stiring the pot on racial stuff, or stiring the pot on BS RvsD stuff , while we all collectively take it in the rear on a thousand fronts and ignore it as long as we can fight with our neighbors over some lesser things.

the MSM is shameless but the people can't seem to get enough of it.