String Theory Physicists have found that at the Calculations that make up the theory contain code that is nearly exactly like computer internet codes.
That is the mathematical formula that MAY explain how the universe works at a base level is made up of complex, self correcting information.

This begs the question, where did the information Come from.
the simple answer is GOD.

no other answer makes as much sense logically.

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This, if string theory turns out to be correct, is another bit of proof, for the existent of A god. it is an old argument that been used for centuries but went out of fashion in scientific circles when many scientist began to embrace the idea that the universe was infinite and self existent. the theory of the Big Bang which is the most popular now and is based on facts derived so far, by observation of an expanding universe and mathematical calculation that seem to match. Forced the idea of the infinite ever existing universe Idea out of the spotlight. And the Big Bang also implies a Beginning. which necessitates a reason for the beginning. Theologians point out here that Well the Bible says "IN the Beginning GOD created" this pissed of many of course, but some agreed yes it does. other decided to say well no It might not be God but we can't explain it it so we will call it a "singularity" something that does not and cannot fall into any type of science we can know ...ever... because the rules were different than now. soo OK. So Those who believe that God Created it all can't say with absolute scientific certainty that God is proven here. but surprise surprise, It does seem that the science does AGREE with the Idea that the universe was created. So that's a plus right? Seems if the science is against the Bible it's "PROOF" that it's wrong. If the science agrees is it PROOF that the Bible is Right?

The string theory thing here Is proof of a different sort. It's evidence of a MIND. In science there is NO example or theory of how any complex information can come out of less complex or from random processes, or an Explosion. there is NO way for this to happen. period paragraph end of story. Here we have Physicist who seem to see extremely complex INFORMATIONAL patterns at what we know so far as the base or foundation of the structure of the universe.

How did it get there?
The real question is WHO put it there.
If you find a book on the middle of the desert you don't say hey this book sprang out the sands by a singularity. you say a PERSON, a MIND Wrote this and put this book together. there's no way this was put here by accident.

String Theory is just the latest place where Information Science is proving that there must be a MIND behind the universe. Intelligent Design science is looking at the same at a biological level. the high level of Information in living creatures cannot be explained by any known random processes.

Interesting stuff huh?