It's the middle path. Lean one way, and you're a moralising busybody. Lean the other way, and you're an enabler. Nowhere is that seen more clearly than in political debate. It's a mistake to assume that all judging is bad, which in itself is a judgment. Not judging others means not judging them for being judgmental.
Judgment is what we add to discernment when we make a comparison between how things or people are and how we think they ought to be. So, in judgment, there’s dissatisfaction with the way things are and a desire to have things be the way we want them to be.

How to get the point across without wagging your finger at someone and telling them they're wrong? How to speak the truth of one's experience from the heart without blaming others?

I'm asking this question because I'm learning how to do this, and I haven't had good teachers.