Quote Originally Posted by Samantha View Post
What fascinates me is the obsession that the GOP, the right, the Republicans have with all things gay.


Why is the right so fixated on homo-erotica? Abu Gharaib and Gitmo homo erotic torture, hiring Jeff Gannon aka Guckert, male prostitute to pretend to be a journalist, visiting the White House 200 times, not notifying Democrats when they knew Mark Foley emailing young boys perverted text...


Does Karl Rove have something to do with all the homo erotic obsessions in the GOP?


What is it with this obsession and the Republican party?

Are you telling me that a baby in diapers, holding a giant stuffed animal, and the baby wearing bunny ears and striped socks is "homo erotica?"

I think you answered yourself why male gay sex is wrong, way wrong...