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    Default Real significance and effect of the June 5 recall election

    After a month of almost-continuous tumbling in which it lost more than a thousand points, in the two days since Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's victory over the Democrats' effort to recall him, the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped more than 400 points, from a close of around 12,130 before the votes were counted, to a peak today over 12,550.

    Stock analysts have cited a mixed variety of explanations for the abrupt reversal, ranging from various companies doing restructuring, to "daring" moves by major firms, to even an assertion that Spain has briefly paused in its long slide down the economic drain. Not one of the articles that I have read, has mentioned anything about the unprecedented vote of confidence given, for the first time in living memory, to a conservative governor and legislature who (a) promised to turn their state's economy around by austerity measures and curtailing the virtual tyranny of public sector unions, (b) kept their promises to the letter, and (c) SURVIVED THE RESULTING ONSLAUGHT, ATTACKS, AND SMEARS BY THE LEFTIST PRESS AND UNION THUGS and emerged victorious from the thugs' attempt at a recall election, thus paving the way for more such reforms around the country after proving you can do it and survive with your political future bright.

    Doesn't it make sense for investors to be heartened by the first solid indication that tax-cutting, spending-reducing Republicans who do NOT compromise with the leftists as other RINOs have done for decades, can survive the screams of the usual Democrat demagogues and wind up with even greater support from the voters?

    This has not been done in a generation or more, to my knowledge. Only President Ronald Reagan was able to cut taxes, reduce regulation, and then win by landslides over the screams and vilification of the leftist machine, which he simply laughed into impotent fury... and that was thirty years ago.

    Since then, various RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) hesitated in the face of overwhelming attacks, lies, and namecalling from their leftist opponents in and out of the press, and have backed off and tried to compromise with them... with the result that the government has slid further and further to the left until their constituents have given up in disgust and voted the RINOs out (See 2006 and 2008).

    Now the evidence is clear, an example waiting to be followed and built upon by other recently-elected no-compromise conservative Congressmen and state legislators across the country. Stick to your guns, vote NO on EVERY tax increase or spending increase that comes down the pike, and write more legislation reducing or eliminating liberal do-gooder government programs that serve only to increase people's dependency of government.



    And no matter how much the mainstream press writes about you being cruel, heartless monsters... after the next election, you will find yourself winning more and more votes, with a solid measure of approval from the people who really matter: American voters who give you your job, who work hard, and who pay your salary with their hard-earned tax dollars.

    For you legislators who wondered if you have to constantly compromise and yield to the leftist Democrats to make everybody happy and get enough votes to survive.... now you have your answer.

    Compare what happened to the supposed "conservatives" who did that in 2006 and 2008, to what happened to a group of no-compromise conservatives who were elected in 2010 and then stuck to their guns and refused to yield, and stood for (recall) election in June 2012.

    Now YOUR state (or, for US Congressmen, your country) wants you to clean up other messes that are in YOUR jurisdiction, the way those no-compromise Republicans did in Wisconsin since 2010.

    And the same leftist screamers and demagogues who opposed, vilified, and smeared them, WILL smear you, too.

    And if you want to know what the result of it all will be, look at the election held on June 5, 2012.

    The course is set, the way is clear. And it WON'T be easy.

    But it is what YOUR constituents want... and now, they are watching YOU.

    It's your turn.
    Last edited by Little-Acorn; 06-07-2012 at 04:10 PM.
    "The social contract exists so that everyone doesn’t have to squat in the dust holding a spear to protect his woman and his meat all day every day. It does not exist so that the government can take your spear, your meat, and your woman because it knows better what to do with them." -

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