Allow me to clear a few things up. The OP picture in my vacaton thread is NOT of me and my wife - it is also NOT OCA and his wife

I have known OCA for years now, and he has always been a second rate punk who takes delight in hurting others over the internet

I saw he was here and set a trap I knew he would walk right into. If you know OCA you already know his weak spot is right above his neck

You also know his two most prominent character traits is his ego and his temper. Once you know that and are able to exploit them - you have him beaten

Case in point is Kathianne and Sassy who wiped him out without breaking a sweat

Like Sonny in The Godfather - OCA's weakness is his temper and one can play endless mind games with him

Everyone knows OCA is a serial liar and they know the pic I posted was not me just as they know it is not OCA. But I am able to use OCA's inflated opinion of himself against him and I sat back and enjoyed his total and complete meltdown

OCA go ahead and do your "investigation" to try and find out who I am. Knowing you as I do you could not find the Empire State Building in NYC without a guide and a map

After watching you take so many cheap shots at so many people, it was delightful watching you meltdown and have a fit when someone turns the table

Of course you are not much competition OCA. At this point in your sad and useless life you have accumulated mold on your brain to make a gallon of penicillin. Taking you on in like watching a "squash" match in pro wrestling. It just kills time to something better comes along

Trap was set. The weasel fell in. Mission accomplished

Adiós, muchachos