Maybe some lawmakers should rethink their strategy here. Instead of free lap bands and tummy tucks.

Researchers say that increasing
levels of fatness around the world could have the same impact on global
resources as an extra billion people.

The team estimated the total weight of people on the planet and found that
North America had the highest average.

Although only 6% of the global population live there, it is responsible for
more than a third of the obesity.

The research is published in the journal BMC Public Health.

In their report, the researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
calculate the weight of the global population at 287 million
tonnes. They estimate that 15 million tonnes of this mass is due to people being
overweight, and 3.5 million tonnes due to obesity

Using World Health Organization data from 2005, the scientists worked out
that the average global body weight was 62kg (137lb). But there were huge
regional differences. In North America, the average was 80.7kg (178lb), while in
Asia it was 57.7kg (127lb) .

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“Start Quote

One of the problems with definitions of obesity - it
fosters a them and us ideal - when actually we're all getting
End Quote Prof Ian Roberts London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

While Asia accounts for 61% of the global population, it
only accounts for 13% of the weight of the world due to obesity.

One of the authors of the paper, Prof Ian Roberts, explained the thinking
behind the calculation.

"When people think about environmental sustainability, they immediately focus
on population. Actually, when it comes down to it - it's not how many mouths
there are to feed, it's how much flesh there is on the planet."