Quote Originally Posted by Roo View Post
The only thing Revel had right was that security is an illusion.

I don't remember which security official said this....."The bad guys only have to be right once...we have to be right every time". ( a paraphrase)
I certainly agree with that second sentence.

Even so, to just stand back and say that nothing useful can be done, is the same as inviting the WORST to happen. Even getting partial control of a bad situation is definitely better than having no control at all.

The Syrian situation is a messy one - and it would've been way easier to militarily resolve if the Russians and Chinese weren't so intent on supporting Assad. Which is why I think that a solution has to involve them. Far better that they butt out, but I doubt they would.

So you make the best of a bad job, and solve whatever you can, as best you can.

But what you DON'T do is stand back and do nothing .. unless, of course, the idea is to maximise the chance of the very worst happening.

Who's for surrendering US security to whoever, or whatever, wants to be a player in this ? Al Qaeda, maybe ?