Isn't this what a lot of experts claim the sightings of Nessie and Champ really are? Can you believe this fish is estimated at 100 years old?? Amazing.

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A monster white sturgeon weighing an estimated 1,100 pounds and measuring 12 feet, 4 inches was caught and released on the Fraser River, a British Columbia

waterway famous for its big sturgeon...just not this big.
Angler Michael Snell, front, with wife Margaret and guide Dean Werk pose with the mammoth sturgeon.
Catches of white sturgeon averaging 30 to 100 pounds are typical on the Fraser, even an occasional 250-pounder, but nothing as massive as this sturgeon, believed to be the biggest freshwater fish ever caught on rod and reel in North America...and possibly the oldest.

"I've been a professional guide on the Fraser for 25 years and I've never seen a sturgeon this big," said Dean Werk, owner/guide of Great River Fishing Adventures.

"We have helped to collectively tag more than 47,000 white sturgeon since 1995, and scanned in excess of 90,000 tagged sturgeon that have been caught and released. This tells us this dinosaur fish hasn't been caught in at least 18 years if ever at all. I'd bet she's over 100 years old."

Think about that: Incredibly, this massive sturgeon, a prehistoric species, might have been hatched the year the Titanic sank.