Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
When I lived in Germany I came face-to-boob with this issue - the issue of public nudity.

While at the lake with my girlfriend, I was speaking to her well-endowed cousin, Connie. As connie was talking, she reached behind herself and un-snapped and out came probably the best-looking set of 'twins' I'd seen at the time. Large, full, and just about perfect. I was SHOCKED. I was embarassed. I was blushing. I had to decide right then and there WHERE the problem was - MY being uncomfortable, her Her? It was me. I was the problem there.

Fast forward almost 20 years now and I have to tell you, I'm WAY more liberal in that regard. Nudity is a problem for Americans because we've decided it's a problem. My kids are not hidden from nudity to the extend I was as a kid. My kids have seen mom and me nekkid - not flagrantly, but just in the course of livinging the same house and stuff happens. Mom, nor I freak the hell out when it happens. We just get on with things - with life - and dont make a big deal of it.

I hope that translates to them.

Nudity is fine. Context dictates.

A guy swinging his sack and pole 3 feet from my head? NOT COOL.

So, they are being taught proper decency, right?
How young were they? I hope you didn't scar them for life...