PUBLISHED: 13:25 EST, 20 August 2012 | UPDATED: 13:59 EST, 20 August 2012
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..This is the moment a commuter directs an expletive-ridden rant towards white passengers on a packed London bus.
The shocking two-and-a-half minute video shows a middle-aged black woman telling passengers on the bus how she 'hates white people' who 'all want to be f****** black'.
The police were today investigating the video of the racist abuse after it was uploaded on to YouTube.
The woman, who has not yet been identified, begins her tirade of racist abuse looking directly at the camera
The middle-aged black woman remains seated at first, then stands up in anger as she shouts expletives directed towards white people
She begins the tirade of abuse by shouting: 'I'm so glad. I'm born black and I'll die black. I was born African and I'll f****** die African.'

The foul-mouthed woman then goes on to tell the passengers: 'The only reason I was born in this country is because you f****** people brought my people here.'
'My parents are f****** African, born in Jamaica. And I’m f****** African, born in England and I can’t stand you white people, I tell you.'
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Footage of the incident emerged on YouTube on August 17 after a string of similar public rants by women were made on various forms of London transport earlier this year and last year.
It shows the woman, whose name is not known, sitting on a crowded bus shouting at the top of her voice.
Wearing a black leather jacket and grey T-shirt, she continues her rant by saying: 'I don’t care what none of you lot got to say because at the end of the day if you lot would have had a choice you will f****** go with your people and I’ll go with mine.
'The whole lot of you are programmed, f****** puppets. Not this one, I’m black and proud.'

She then spits on the floor and picks up her phone and can be heard describing those around her as “f****** doughnuts and puppets on the bus.'
'I'm black and proud', she added.

She screams at a passenger on the bus and points her arm at them in anger

Holding her mobile phone with her mouth wide open, she looks both in shock and disgusted as she continues her tirade of abuse sitting down
The woman, who could face prosecution, then becomes increasingly more aggressive, stating: 'They all want to be f***ing black, they all put fat in their lips and their bottoms and sit down on the sun bed to be black.'

She then turns her attention to another passenger and asks 'Am I lying, am I lying?' Answering the question with: 'No I aint f****** lying.'

The woman repeatedly gets up and down during the video as she hurls the abuse while astonished onlookers try to ignore her.
She finally finishes her rant by complaining about the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and states that 'the same f****** diamond she has in her head, my people suffered for that.
'Free speech. I hate white people. I can’t stand none of you.'
And then looking at the camera, she adds: 'Strictly black, the more black the happier I am.'

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People this is where we are headed if liberals get their way! As bad as what that woman said is it was her right to free speech yet she will be prosecuted for it in Britain as have others. Even others that said much milder accusations. Curtailing of free speech always ends up badly for those that its inflicted upon. I gather that in Britain it is now a hatecrime to talk in public if you upset people. Makes one wonder just how much worse it will get there now that there have been a num ber of high profile cases recently.
If we go that route look for selected prosecutions based upon the race of the accused, meaning whites will be the ones held to the highest standard while others get a pass. The way things are going I can see that happening here despite our Constitutional freedoms.--Tyr