Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
I would agree with you EXCEPT that in current times, our elected representatives have chosen to ignore the Constitution (never mind "the will of the people"), are more concerned with the accumulation and sustainment of power and are aggressively pursuing the elimination of individual rights. At what point then, do the citizens of this nation actively rebel, knowing that the ballot box is no longer effective and, we, as a nation, have degenerated into a country ruled by the "elite nobility". No longer is America ruled by fellow countrymen who have the best interest of the people and this nation of primary concern. Heck, one cannot even run for office unless one is wealthy because of the system put in place by the very despots who rule; aided and abetted by the media, the unions and socialists of all stripes. It is my opinion that this nation is in decline and said decline will only accelerate as we continue down the current path.

Our founding fathers believed that NO government is sacrosanct just because it is the government (duly elected or not) but that is exactly the philosophy now ingrained by many. This indoctrination has largely been fostered because of social programs which make the people dependent on that government. Unless that changes, unless you are one of the "elite nobility" then you are doomed to be a peasant entirely beholden to the ruling class.
Great post, I agree 100%.
Our founding fathers were indeed very, very wise men. No current government has the authority to usurp our Constitution or else we as a people ,as a nation , would have no security at all! Our Bill of Rights has been and currently is under heavy attack by a government hellbent on stripping us of our rights. This points to only one thing--Tyranny ! Jefferson had many brilliant words on what to do about such tyranny! I believe I'll side with Jefferson over any of the powermad ,sold out, corrupted politicians and government leeches of today's world! Its called standing on principle. A shame that so many Americans today never heard of that! Sold out and bleating for destruction is no way to go through life IMHO.-Tyr